3 years of Wungura Clothing

3 years of Wungura Clothing

Since launch, November 6th 2021, Wungura clothing has slowly grown with the help of many friends, family and most importantly our community.
Our brand couldn’t have started more homegrown if we wanted it to.
Since those first few designs and Wungura original hoodies, we’ve always tried to stay true to ourselves and have consistency with our products. From all the setbacks, broken heat presses running out of working space to being sold out of stock we have been able to push through. Getting our friends and family to model and to help pack orders to also create content and promote, while juggling our own jobs and business as well.
Today we continue to grow and evolve this “side hobby” into a reality. Teaming up with other businesses, Hearing from customers that our products are being brought from giftshops and being taken back to places around the world like New Zealand, England, USA and Canada just to name a few…
We would like to thank everybody for the last 3 years of support and can’t wait for what’s to come.
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